First Day

on Tuesday, August 13, 2013.

Lyla started her first day of Pre-K homeschool yesterday! Yes, we do things a little different around here but homeschool is something that has really been on my heart for a long time now... And needless to say, Lyla has been so excited to officially start to learn at "homeschool."

This year we're working through a curriculum called Weaver Interlock. I chose it for many reasons but the most important reason was that it is a Bible based curriculum (Bible based meaning the Bible is woven through any and all subjects instead of Bible class being just a single course within lots of subjects). Interlock Pre-K/Kindergarten is very big on learning through crafts and hands-on projects, perfect for my little chicks. It also has multiple learning levels within the structure for when your child might have already mastered, let's say, the pre-k level math lesson so you can move on to the kindergarten level in areas where it's needed.

We're doing it three days a week, for roughly 2 1/2 hours a day. Adah works through most all crafts and hands-on projects between playing around the house. We sing songs, learn poems, learn scripture, and even have physical education.

It's a perfect type of curriculum for a person like me because it tells me exactly what to teach and what to prepare for the school day. All I have to do is prepare and read the lesson plan the night before the next homeschool day so I know what's to come. Every week Interlock also gives me a shopping list of little craft supplies we'll need for the coming school week.

With one day under my belt, I feel really excited about our future homeschooling days to come. It's been so heavy on my heart to teach my children about the Lord and his Word and I'm so thankful to have a learning curriculum that can help me present it them in a way that glorifies Him!!

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